

1) прежде всего — can be rendered as "first of all," "above all," or, more formally, "first and foremost " In this case it in fact means "at the outset" or "here and now."

2) в лице — does not require translation   In fact, an attempt to interpret it could lead to a very clumsy sentence  "In the person of is unnecessary. The idea is that the speaker wishes to thank the main person responsible, i e the permanent representative

3) четкость — here does not translate as ' accuracy" or "precision " The speaker is referring to the good/superb organization of the seminar

4)  безусловно   —   does   not   require   a   literal   translation   such   as "unconditionally " What is meant is "clearly, obviously."
5)   в этой связи — is not always best translated as "in this connection "
To   save   time,   "here"   is   often   quite   sufficient,   it   can   also   mean "therefore."
6)    в   которых  звучали   откровенно  азбучные   истины   —   these   are platitudes, truisms, or self-evident ideas or facts.

7) содержательными идеями — the interpreter is well advised to forget
about the literal meaning of "content" in this word, as "contentfull" is not an English expression  "Substantive" or "informative" are what is meant

8) ознакомиться — the literal meaning of "get to know," "get acquainted  with"   often   does  not  work,   particularly  when   the  subject   is  a document "Read," "get" or if necessary "familiarize themselves with" are better choices

9) хода урегулирования"ход" here means progress, though it can also be course, development, path or flow, depending on context "Урегулирование" is nearly always "settlement" rather than "regulation "

10) более приближенной к реалиям сегодняшнего дня this means "more to the point," "more realistic"  rather  than  literally "closer to realities."

11) проявлять больше творческих  подходов  —  translating  the  verb literally is asking for trouble, as in English one takes an approach — and an approach in the singular

12) целесообразный   —   presents  constant   problems   for   interpreters "Advisable," "expedient" or "to the point" usually work  "Purposeful" has a narrower range of applications but may occasionally fit the sentence, anything involving "goals" should be avoided

13) мы считаем... целесообразным придерживаться — you can, of course, interpret this as "We find it advisable to keep to/maintain," or any other of the verbs suggested here  If the speaker is going fast, however, the simplest solution is to say "we find it advisable to do what we have done in previous years," saving a good number of words in the process  The interpreter should always keep in mind the short and strong verbs "make, do, go," which often provide far better and simpler translations than do lengthy verbal constructions

14) такой подход объясняется очень просто — no need to translate the verb literally The point is not that the explanation process is simple, but that the reason for it is simple

15) такого рода мероприятий — "activities" or 'projects" are much more idiomatic than "undertakings "

16)    пойти   навстречу   —   can   often   be   simply   rendered  as   "to accommodate " "To meet halfway" sometimes works, "to compromise" may be too strong and have a nuance of giving in or giving up one's position

17) в этой связи — see № 6

18) приложение — can be "addendum" or "appendix," depending on the specific   organization   involved   and   how   it chooses   to   label   such supplements

19) будут решены обе задачиЗадача is often not best rendered as "task," which can sound like doing the dishes   "Issue,"  "question," "problem,"   or  even   "goal"   can  work  ("two  goals  will   have  been achieved")

20) на этом мероприятии — see № 14 What is meant here is the specific meeting/seminar, not an "undertaking" of some sort






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